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dc.contributor.authorHopland, Siri
dc.description.abstractMange av dagens studenter har ikke erfaring fra jobb i barnehage, og mange har problemer med å se sammenhengen mellom teori og praksis. I førskolelærerutdanningen i Norge har praksis tradisjonelt vært avviklet i flere sammenhengende uker hvert studieår. Dette FOU-arbeidet viser at praksis blir sett på som viktig i offentlige dokumenter. Problemstillingen og hensikten med dette arbeidet har vært å undersøke om praksis kan organiseres slik at det fremmer forståelsen mellom teori og praksis, samt å komme med konkrete endringsforslag i form av punktpraksis, dvs. at praksis gjennomføres over hele studieåret. Endring av organiseringen av praksis kan også få konsekvenser for studentenes oppgaver i praksis. Dette blir også drøftet.no_NO
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The nursery school students of today lack experience from working in nursery schools. For this reason they don´t easely see the connection between theory and practice. Usually in Norway, the nursery school students have there practical education in nursery schools every day for some weeks each year. This FOU-work (R&D) shows that experience from nursery schools is seen as important from different kind of authorities. The main question in this work has been how to integrate theory and practise in a better way for the nursery school students. The contribution in this report is concrete change proposal to decrease the gap between theory and practice for the nursery school students. The proposal is called interval practice (”punktpraksis”), i.e. practise is obtained 1-2 days a week during the whole year. This change in practice for the students will also change the work they are doing during practise. This is called probleme based learning, and is also elaborated in this report.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHøgskolen i Hedmark - Notat;02/2002
dc.subjectproblembasert læringno_NO
dc.titlePunktpraksis - er det noe for oss?no_NO
dc.typeWorking paperno_NO

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