Browsing Bachelor i lektorutdanning / Bachelor in language teaching by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Is English linguistic imperialism threatening the Norwegian language?
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)English: This bachelor thesis asks the question whether English linguistic imperialism is threatening the Norwegian language or not. The paper looks at what Robert Phillipson lists as linguistic imperialism and links it ... -
The Internet’s impact on linguistic imperialism.
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)English: My thesis for this assignment is: "What impact does the Internet have on linguistic imperialism?”. I have based my assignment on different linguists and researchers theories on linguistic imperialism with my ... -
Learners who are exposed to the English language at several levels are more open when it comes to language learning.
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)English: This bachelor thesis is about how exposure to languages through several levels may increase the learner’s motivation and willingness towards language learning. Exposure to languages does not only happen at school ... -
Ortografi i skolen
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Norsk: Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg hvordan dagens undervisning i rettskrivning er, sammenlignet med den undervisningen vi hadde på 1950-tallet. Innenfor dette temaet har jeg sett på historien til norsk språknormering, ... -
Talemål hos ungdom i Etnedal kommune.
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Norsk: Kartleggingen av talemålet blant ungdom i Etnedal kommune viser at det tradisjonelle talemålet er regionalisert. Mange av informantene har også et standard østnorsk talemål, og svært få har det tradisjonelle ... -
The English as a Lingua Franca and English as a Foreign Language paradigm.
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)English: The purpose of the thesis is to answer and discuss if ELF and EFL are different by highlighting pragmatics in a debate between Michael Swan and Henry, G. Widdowson. Although it is a straight forward question about ... -
«Himmelens harpe rettet på skrå mot jorden»: Regnmotiv og opphavstematikk i Rolf Jacobsens diktning.
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Norsk: I denne oppgaven studerer jeg regnmotivet i to utvalgte dikt av Rolf Jacobsen. Rolf Jacobsen har utallige dikt hvor regnmotivet er til stede. I denne oppgaven blir imidlertid regnmotivet sett i sammenheng med ... -
Harry Potter and the teaching of otherness in the EFL classroom
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)In this thesis I explore the advantages of EFL students in Secondary school learning about otherness through young adult literature. I have chosen to concentrate mainly on one novel, namely Harry Potter and the philosopher’s ... -
Språk og virkelighet
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven har jeg spurt meg selv om språket vi snakker påvirker hvordan vi tenker. Denne problemstillingen har ikke ført til noen svar, men mange refleksjoner rundt teoretikere som Edward Sapir, Benjamin Lee Whorf, ... -
Dorian Gray as a Modern Monster
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)The Picture of Dorian Gray is a much discussed philosophical horror novel by famed poet and playwright Oscar Wilde. The character of Dorian Gray is both timeless and memorable in his exhibitions of human monstrosity and ... -
Incarnations of Dracula
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)An exploration of the function of monsters within the culture that produced them, and how a well known monster archetype changes in form and function when exported to a vastly foreign culture. By looking at Bram Stoker’s ... -
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Blade Runners?
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)The thesis is “How are the androids depicted in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Versus in Blade Runner, and what effect does it have on the theme of empathy and humanity in the two versions?”. This thesis explores ... -
The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass in History Teaching
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)English: This paper is about lesson planning in Norwegian upper secondary classrooms. The thesis is as follows: “Grounded in theory, how could one work with The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass in the classroom while ... -
Adapting Horror
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)This paper seeks to evaluate the differences in the novel Dracula and the adaptation by Francis Ford Coppola. The paper examines how horror is created in both works, from the technical aspects of writing and filmmaking, ...