Fremtidens helse- og omsorgstjenester fra et hverdagsmestringsperspektiv : en begrepsanalyse av hverdagsmestring i politiske dokumenter
Demographic trends are creating challenges for a sustainable health care sector. To accommodate these challenges, new concepts are being introduced in political documents. The goal is to create changes towards a more sustainable health care sector. One of these concepts is «everyday coping». Purpose: To increase understanding of the implications «everyday coping» may have for nursing in community care. Four political documents are analysed using Koselleck’s method of concept analysis. The concept analysis consists of two steps: diachronic and synchronous analysis. The health care service has changed from compensating care towards health promoting, preventive priorities, and attitudes. The concept «everyday coping» promotes active care, where the patient themselves are largely responsible for their daily lives. The definition and use of the concept «everyday coping» in political documents has implications for the patient’s health care, practice of nursing and the organization of the health sector.