Do business students have more effective learning strategies than students from other academic fields?
Peer reviewed, Journal article
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International Journal of Multidisciplinarity in Business and Science. 2020, 6 (9), 5-12.Sammendrag
The aim of this paper is to compare the learning strategies of students in different academic fields in higher education. Previous research has limited its focus to comparing students on topics such as the degree of social responsibility, personal values, academic dishonesty/integrity, and emotional intelligence. In contrast, this study addresses the issue of whether the learning strategies of business students are better than those of students from other academic fields. To date, our knowledge and understanding of this issue are limited even though the topic of learning strategies has gained considerable attention in educational research. This research applied the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) to elucidate the differences in study strategies between groups of students. Findings from the statistical analysis indicate that business students have more effective learning strategies than the non-business students included in this study. Potential reasons for these findings are discussed and based on these findings theoretical and practical implications are viewed. Cilj je ovog rada usporediti strategije učenja studenata na različitim akademskim područjima u visokom obrazovanju. Prethodna su istraživanja ograničila fokus na usporedbu studenata na teme poput stupnja društvene odgovornosti, osobnih vrijednosti, akademskog nepoštenja / integriteta i emocionalne inteligencije. Suprotno tome, ovo istraživanje bavi se pitanjem jesu li strategije učenja studenata poslovne ekonomije bolje od onih studenata s drugih akademskih područja. Do danas je naše znanje i razumijevanje ove problematike ograničeno, iako je tema strategija učenja zadobila značajnu pozornost u istraživanjima vezanim uz obrazovanje. Ovo je istraživanje primijenilo mjernu ljestvicu LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory) kako bi se utvrdile razlike u strategijama učenja između skupina studenata. Statistička analiza pokazala je da studenti poslovne ekonomije imaju učinkovitije strategije učenja od onih koji nisu studenti poslovne ekonomije uključeni u ovu studiju. U radu se raspravlja o potencijalnim razlozima tih rezultata te se na temelju tih nalaza razmatraju teorijske i praktične implikacije.