Brage INN: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 8221
En ensom rytter i galopp: Praksisveilederen i kulturskolen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Praksisopplæring er en sentral del av lærerutdanninger, og for mange studenter representerer praksisopplæringen det første møtet med praksisfeltet og læreryrket, som de utdanner seg til. Her møter de også praksisveilederen ... -
"Ain't That Easy": Perceptions of Conflict in the Music of D'Angelo and the Vanguard
(Journal article, 2024)The article examines the song »Ain't That Easy« from D'Angelo's 2014 album Black Messiah, analyzing its connections to the socio-political climate surrounding its release and exploring the underlying themes of conflict in ... -
Experimental Infection of Reindeer with Jamestown Canyon Virus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Seroprevalence of Jamestown Canyon virus in freeranging caribou in North America is high. We demonstrate serum antibodies and RNA of the virus in blood and tissues of experimentally exposed reindeer with no clinical illness ... -
Morphometric differences between sexes and populations in Norwegian Dunlins Calidris alpina
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Capsule The sex of Dunlins from two widely separated Norwegian breeding populations can be determined using morphometrics, with the Dunlins’ sizes differing between populations. Aims We aimed to understand the Dunlin’s ... -
Recent advancements to increase success in assisted reproductive technologies in cattle
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are fundamental for cattle breeding and sustainable food production. Together with genomic selection, these technologies contribute to reducing the generation interval and accelerating ... -
Characterizing Forest Plot Decay Levels Based on Leaf Area Index, Gap Fraction, and L-Moments from Airborne LiDAR
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Effective forest management is essential for mitigating climate change effects. This is why understanding forest growth dynamics is critical for its sustainable management. Thus, characterizing forest plot deadwood levels ... -
Planlegging av redskapshus med verksteddel på Mobråten
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Norsk: Det norske landbruket, har i takt med mange andre land økt både i produksjon og mekanisering. Mekaniseringslinjene i form av maskiner og redskap er blitt mer rettet mot en større, og mere effektiv produksjon enn ... -
Automasjon av korntørke med luftsensor
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Norsk: Korntørking er en viktig del av å ta vare på de produktene vi lager på jordet. Samtidig er det en prosess som er tidkrevende og skal skje samtidig med andre tidskritiske aktiviteter. Derfor vil det være en stor ... -
Tillaging av såbed for korn med ny type såbedsharv
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Norsk: I mange år har såbeds preparering skjedd med slodd og såbedsharv eller en kombisåbedsharv som har sloddeplank. Disse redskapene er ofte veldig tunge og krever ofte mye trekkraft for å oppnå god effektivitet og må ... -
Biochemical and Biorefinery Platform for Second-Generation Bioethanol: Fermentative Strategies and Microorganisms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bioethanol is the most commonly used biofuel. It is an alternative to replace fossil fuels in renewable energy; it can be produced from lignocellulosic feedstock using a biotechnological process. Their participation of ... -
The conservation value of forests can be predicted at the scale of 1 hectare
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)To conserve biodiversity, it is imperative to maintain and restore sufficient amounts of functional habitat networks. Therefore, the location of the remaining forests with natural structures and processes over landscapes ... -
Action Detection for Wildlife Monitoring with Camera Traps Based on Segmentation with Filtering of Tracklets (SWIFT) and Mask-Guided Action Recognition (MAROON)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Behavioral analysis of animals in the wild plays an important role for ecological research and conservation and has been mostly performed by researchers. We introduce an action detection approach that automates this process ... -
First photo evidence of Siberian Weasel Mustela sibirica Pallas, 1773 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae) in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Five photographs of Siberian Weasel were captured by camera traps in two locations at an elevation of 2,840-3,200 m. in Gaurishankar Conservation Area. The species was identified based on its uniform yellowish-brown coat, ... -
Mangfold i hjemmemarkedet for film : Hva strømmetjenester og Oslo-kinoene byr sine brukere
(Oppdragsrapport;1/2025, Research report, 2025)Norsk: Digital filmdistribusjon over internett har gitt konsumentene tilgang til en stor mengde filmer. Dette er filmer innenfor alle sjangre, fra hele verden og fra alle filmhistoriske perioder. I dette prosjektet har ... -
FORSØK MED BIOKULL, BIOMASSE OG BIOREST 2022-2024 : Gjødseleffekter, tungmetall og PFAS
(Oppdragsrapport;2/2025, Research report, 2025)Norsk: På oppdrag fra Prosjekt Innlandsgjødsel 2 har Institutt for jordbruksfag ved Universitetet i Innlandet planlagt og behandlet 7 feltforsøk og 1 vekstromforsøk. Gjennom forsøkene skulle vi finne gjødselverdien for ... -
Environmental stressors and zoonoses in the Arctic: Learning from the past to prepare for the future
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The risk of zoonotic disease transmission from animals to humans is elevated for people in close contact with domestic and wild animals. About three-quarters of all known human infectious diseases are zoonotic, and potential ... -
Challenging the binaries: A queer perspective on Norwegian music education
(Ph.d.-avhandling i profesjonsrettede lærerutdanningsfag;40, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Sammendrag på norsk Denne artikkelbaserte avhandlingen utforsker betydningen, potensialet og utfordringene ved å integrere kjønn- og seksualitetsperspektiver i musikkundervisningen innenfor rammen av læreplanen fra 2020 ... -
Detecting ecological signatures of long-term human activity across an elevational gradient in the Šumava Mountains, Central Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Central European mountains, including the Šumava Mountains located along the Czechia/Germany border, have a long and rich anthropogenic history. Yet, documenting prehistoric human impact in Central European mountain ... -
What Will the Future Bring? – Socio-Economic Challenges to Herder Households in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Nomadic pastoralism is still practiced by around one-third of the Mongolian population. Recent socio-economic constraints have challenged pastoral livelihoods and rising livestock numbers threaten overall rangeland health ... -
Differences in the experience of cultural ecosystem services in mountain protected areas by clusters of visitors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Protected Areas contribute to the conservation of nature with associated cultural ecosystem services (CES) and values, such as recreational and educational opportunities, wildlife observation, scenic beauty, inspiration ...