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Effects of habitat selection & supplementary feeding on moose body weight & reproduction
(Conference object, 2008-08)The effects of forage availability, winter supplementary feeding and habitat selection on moose body condition, reproductive rates and autumn slaughter weights are being studied in two locations in south-east Norway. GPS ... -
Effects of supplementary feeding on moose (Alces alces) body weight, reproduction & habitat selection
(Conference object, 2010-08)The effects of forage availability, winter supplementary feeding and habitat selection on moose body condition, reproductive rates and autumn slaughter weights are being studied in two locations in south-east Norway. GPS ... -
Ett centrumdefinierat utvecklingsbegrepp utarmar periferin
(Conference object, 2013) -
Facilitators and Barriers in Local Emergency Knowledge Management: Communities of Practice in Inter- Organizational Partnerships
(Conference object, 2012)Engelsk sammendrag (abstract): A marked increase in crises, uncertainties and perceived risks has impelled the government of Norway to reconsider its contingency plans and devolve its emergency management capacity to local ... -
Fossekraft, oljerigger og regnskog – om den norske klimapolitikkens paradokser
(Lecture, 2013)Fra første slide: Dette foredraget: En kort oversikt over norsk klimapolitikk: -fra tidlig «kuttentusiasme» til «kostnadseffektivitet» og videre til «snever teknologipolitikk» og «kvotekjøp». Hvorfor har det blitt ... -
Förslag till organisation av kunskapsförsörjningen i inlandsregionen
(Lecture, 2008)Med utgångspunkt i praktiskt gjorda erfarenheter, kombinerat med en kunskapsöversikt, har idén om en analytiskt inriktad supportorganisation, vars uppdrag skulle vara att löpande förse kommunerna i Hedmarks och Opplands ... -
From Narration to a Conclusion in Online Competence Network Meetings
(Conference object, 2012)Engelsk sammendrag (abstract): Abstract: Information technology (IT) is no longer regarded only as a repository within knowledge management, but also as a collaborative tool where work-related artifacts, like documents, ... -
The GIVE blog as a communication platform
(Conference object, 2023-08) -
Human impact on the spatiotemporal dynamics of red fox in the boreal forests of SE Norway
(Conference object, 2010) -
Hva preger innholdet i det vi vil omtale som tillitsdoktrinene til en utvalgt gruppe medarbeidere i offentlig forvaltning
(Conference object, 2011)Dette paper inneholder første del av en studie som setter fokus på en gruppe offentlige tjenestemenn/kvinner sine handlingsdoktriner med hensyn til tillit. Paperet representerer våre første analytiske refleksjoner og er ... -
The infrastructure of knowledge : a research outline
(Conference object, 2010) -
InterAct framework as help for students to learn about plagiarism
(Lecture, 2008)The Internet has opened and introduced numerous possibilities of easy access to material worldwide. This is old news to most students. However, such easy access to information and its extensive use can sometimes produce ... -
Is heavy browsing a threat to biodiversity in a boreal ecosystem?
(Conference object, 2010-03)Herbivore numbers have been increasing across Europe and North America in recent decades, with implications for whole ecosystems including impacts on biodiversity. Moose populations in Scandinavia are no exception, leading ... -
«’Jeg respekterer intet Grammatik-Norsk, jeg bruger Bryst-Norsk’ – Bjørnson i språkhistorisk perspektiv»
(Lecture, 2010)Foredraget handlet om Bjørnsons egen språklige praksis både i skjønnlitteratur og sakprosa fra debuten på 1850-tallet og fram til han døde i 1910, og om hans språkpolitiske engasjement fra leflingen med landsmålet tidlig ... -
Kolesterolsenkende legemidler – en legemiddelepidemiologisk studie i Norge
(Chronicle, 2007)Cand.pharm. Ingeborg Hartz forsvarte 15. desember 2006 sin doktorgradsavhandling med tittelen «En legemiddelepidemiologisk studie av kolesterolsenkende legemidler i Norge» ved Avdeling for samfunnsfarmasi, Institutt for ... -
Learning as a coordination process: The role of Displayed Practices and Culture in Managed networks
(Conference object, 2010)Although coordination efforts in team based work contexts has received much attention in organizational research, there has been little theorizing on practices work environments of independent distributed workers. This is ... -
Long-term browsing impact around diversionary feeding stations for moose in Southern Norway
(Conference object, 2010) -
Medborgerundersøkelsen Innlandet 2013
(Others, 2013)Undersøkelsen er gjort av 1..Amanuensis Ulla Higdem (HiL), 1.Amanuensis Hans Christian Høyer (HiHm), Professor Jon Helge Lesjø(HiL), Professor Erik Mønness, prosjektleder (HiHm).Prosjektet er støttet av Regionalt forskingsfond ... -
The Mind Agents in Netlogo 3.1
(Lecture, 2007)In [Houk, 2005], the “Agents of the mind” idea is proposed as a suitable framework for studying the dynamics and complexities of mind. “Agents of the mind” is inspired by the society of mind idea of Marvin Minsky [Minsky, ...