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«’Jeg respekterer intet Grammatik-Norsk, jeg bruger Bryst-Norsk’ – Bjørnson i språkhistorisk perspektiv»
(Lecture, 2010)Foredraget handlet om Bjørnsons egen språklige praksis både i skjønnlitteratur og sakprosa fra debuten på 1850-tallet og fram til han døde i 1910, og om hans språkpolitiske engasjement fra leflingen med landsmålet tidlig ... -
Kolesterolsenkende legemidler – en legemiddelepidemiologisk studie i Norge
(Chronicle, 2007)Cand.pharm. Ingeborg Hartz forsvarte 15. desember 2006 sin doktorgradsavhandling med tittelen «En legemiddelepidemiologisk studie av kolesterolsenkende legemidler i Norge» ved Avdeling for samfunnsfarmasi, Institutt for ... -
Learning as a coordination process: The role of Displayed Practices and Culture in Managed networks
(Conference object, 2010)Although coordination efforts in team based work contexts has received much attention in organizational research, there has been little theorizing on practices work environments of independent distributed workers. This is ... -
Long-term browsing impact around diversionary feeding stations for moose in Southern Norway
(Conference object, 2010) -
Medborgerundersøkelsen Innlandet 2013
(Others, 2013)Undersøkelsen er gjort av 1..Amanuensis Ulla Higdem (HiL), 1.Amanuensis Hans Christian Høyer (HiHm), Professor Jon Helge Lesjø(HiL), Professor Erik Mønness, prosjektleder (HiHm).Prosjektet er støttet av Regionalt forskingsfond ... -
The Mind Agents in Netlogo 3.1
(Lecture, 2007)In [Houk, 2005], the “Agents of the mind” idea is proposed as a suitable framework for studying the dynamics and complexities of mind. “Agents of the mind” is inspired by the society of mind idea of Marvin Minsky [Minsky, ... -
Moderna utvecklingsstrategier och modeller: Har Sogn og Fjordane sin egen logik?
(Conference object, 2012)Fra andre slide: AKTUELLA UTGÅNGSPUNKTER: Etablerad teori- och metodutveckling är fokuserad på staden/byen närings- och befolkningskoncentrationer och högteknologiska utvecklingsprofiler. Hit går också politikens och ... -
Morsmålet – hva betyr det for hvordan vi tenker, og for hvem vi er?
(Lecture, 2020)Bearbeidet manus fra foredrag på Ingeborg Refling Hagens kulturhus Fredheim, 20.09. 2020. Prof. em. Lars Anders Kulbrandstad, Høgskolen i Innlandet. -
National accounting law in Norway, and in other Nordic countries
(Lecture, 2010)The national Norwegian Accounting Act is based on what represents a modernized version of classical accounting principles. That is, most fundamentally, the approach is transaction based (historic cost) and result oriented. ... -
Nordic superintendent leadership : Cross-national comparisons
(Conference object, 2010) -
Nordic Superintendent Leadership : Cross-Nordic Comparisons
(Conference object, 2010) -
Organizational Knowledge Transfer: Introducing A Multi-Level Perspective
(Conference object, 2010)Research on organizational knowledge transfer is burgeoning, due to the critical role of external knowledge as a source of advantages for firms as well as public sector organizations. Our study investigates knowledge ... -
Peripheries – the agenda. Regional Studies Association/pemabo Network Peripherality, Marginality and Border Issues in Northern Europe The periphery and its host economy: Symbiosis, exploitation or burden? University Centre of the Westfjords, Ísafjörður, Iceland, 03.09.2012 - 05.09.2012
(Conference object, 2012)Fra første slide: The status and ambition as we saw it: - The status of the field of peripheral studies were defined as lacking ... - We also used the term underresearched. - “At the same time, the scientific-analytical ... -
Poor quality in systematic reviews on PTSD and EMDR: Examination of search methodology and reporting
(Conference object, 2019-09) -
Professional networks and knowledge sharing : the role of ICT use : a comparative study
(Conference object, 2009)This study of media use and knowledge sharing within distributed organizations addresses two questions: (1) How do people combine different ICTs (information and communication technologies) when they engage in a professional ... -
Regnskapsmessig periodisering med fokus på offentlig sektor
(Conference object, 2009) -
The relationship between emotional intelligence and learning outcomes, and the mediating role of emotional conflict
(Conference object, 2010-03-25)A field sample of 1100 employees in the army was investigated to study the relationship between the individuals’ self reported emotional intelligence and learning outcomes in work groups, with two dimensions of emotional ... -
Sjefers og ansattes systemverden
(Conference object, 2011)Introduksjon: ”Sjefers og ansattes systemverden” er et kapittel som inngår i min analyse av makten i den daglige trivielle arbeidsvirksomheten. I min doktoravhandling er jeg opptatt av hvordan vi kan forstå makten gjennom ... -
Social-Cognitive Outcomes of Teachers’ Engagement in Community of Practice : Evidence from Finnish Basic Schools
(Conference object, 2010) -
Sonja Henie, Norwegian Star in Hollywood
(Conference object, 2008)The title “Norwegian star in Hollywood” indicates what I’d like to enlighten in my presentation; Henie as a Hollywood made Star; which elements constructs her star persona? I will also elaborate if or how national identity ...