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dc.contributor.authorBreivik, Daniel Andreas
dc.description.abstractDet er i dag underskot på storfekjøtt i Noreg, og det er politisk vilje til å satse på auka produksjon i åra framover. Denne oppgåva går ut på å prosjektera nytt fjøs for ammekyr på garden Heimtun med særleg fokus på dyrevelferd, innandørsmekanisering, bygningskonstruksjon og byggekostnad/ økonomi. Det har blitt gjennomført gardsbesøk og samtalar med folk i næringa, og på bakgrunn av dette har det blitt teikna tre forskjellige planløysingar som har blitt sett opp mot kvarandre i ein tabell og vurdert med poeng utifrå gitte nøkkelpunkt. Fjøset som blei valt er planlagt bygd i tre, uisolert med naturleg ventilasjon. Resultatet gir god dyrevelferd iform av inneklima, godt utforma liggjebås og at alle har plass ved fôrbrettet. Utfôring blir gjort med minilastar, og gjødsla vil vere spaltegolv og kanalomrøring med transport til eksisterande lager. Oppgåva er ein fin plattform for vegen vidare mot nytt fjøs på garden Heimtun. Kostnaden ved det prosjekterte bygget er høg, og det må jobbast meir med løysingar som kan få ned prisen, herunder ei vurdering av optimal storleik på besetninga. Neste steg kan vere å utarbeida ein driftsplan som vil vere med på å gi betre svar når det kjem til lønnsemda ved nybygging. Med utgangspunkt i valt problemstilling tykkjer eg at det har blitt prosjektert eit lettdrive fjøs som ivaretek god dyrevelferd og moglegheiter for å bidra til målet mot auka produksjon av storfekjøtt på norske beiteressursar.nb_NO
dc.description.abstractNorway’s own production of beef is less than the actual domestic market demand, and there is an increasing effort and political willingness from the government to increase the domestic beef production in the coming years utilizing uncultivated pasture locally available. This report presents the results from the planning of a new building and production facilities for beef cattle on the farm Heimtun, located at the west coast of Norway. Three key premises where defined, namely high focus on animal welfare, indoor layout and facilities, civil engineering and construction, and overall cost picture. Review of national rules and regulations related to breeding of beef cattle, including recently published articles from research institutions, as well as visiting cattle farms seeking best practices and operational experiences from breeding of beef cattle in different parts of Norway, has been performed to establish premises and best practices for developing the solutions. Three concepts where outlined in the screening phase and compared based on predefined screening criteria. The concept having the highest score was then selected for further development. The chosen building concept to be presented here uses primarily wood as construction material, is based on natural ventilation and without any thermal insulation material in the walls and roof. The layout and outfitting of the building is supposed to provide good animal welfare conditions for the cattle, cows and calves, in an environment of fresh air, comfortable and designated recreation/resting area, and easily access to the spacy feeding area. A mini - loader or a tractor will be used for the distribution of forages and silage in the feeding area. Slatted floor drains the manure from the cows and calves to a channel system underneath the floor where the manure is collected and temporarily stored. The channel system also includes a pump that circulate the manure at regular intervals prior to being transported to permanent storage location. The outcome of the work is considered being a good start for further maturing and decision process regarding new building for beef cattle on the Heimtun farm. There is however, a significant cost level challenge being too high, and further work should include cost cutting exercises in general and a process defining optimum number of cattle and the sizing of the building and facilities. An overall business plan for the farm should be developed addressing the different production alternatives including thorough economic and risk analysis. These analyses should provide input for a decision process of how to proceed regarding new building for beef cattle on the farm Heimtun. Given the chosen topic, my closing remarks would be that the proposed solution for a new beef cattle building on the farm Heimtun is an efficient, modern and forward looking concept focusing on high level of animal welfare. That should be the correct starting point for the realization of the expressed ambition – namely to increase the domestic beef production taking advantage of the locally available pasture resources.nb_NO
dc.titlePlanleggingsoppgåve: Nytt ammekufjøs Heimtun Gnr. 156/1 - Vindafjordnb_NO
dc.title.alternativeNew building for beef cattle on the farm Heimtunnb_NO
dc.typeBachelor thesisnb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Landbruks- og Fiskerifag: 900::Landbruksfag: 910nb_NO

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