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Challenging the binaries: A queer perspective on Norwegian music education
(Ph.d.-avhandling i profesjonsrettede lærerutdanningsfag;40, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Sammendrag på norsk Denne artikkelbaserte avhandlingen utforsker betydningen, potensialet og utfordringene ved å integrere kjønn- og seksualitetsperspektiver i musikkundervisningen innenfor rammen av læreplanen fra 2020 ... -
Classification of single tree decay stages from combined airborne LiDAR data and CIR imagery
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Understanding forest health is of great importance for the conservation of the integrity of forest ecosystems. The monitoring of forest health is, therefore, indispensable for the long-term conservation of forests and their ... -
Connecting the dots: relationship between heart rate and overall dynamic body acceleration in free-ranging cattle
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Monitoring physiological indicators including heart rate (HR) is crucial for managing animal welfare across diverse settings, from precision livestock farming to wildlife conservation. HR is a reliable indicator of energy ... -
Differences in the experience of cultural ecosystem services in mountain protected areas by clusters of visitors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Protected Areas contribute to the conservation of nature with associated cultural ecosystem services (CES) and values, such as recreational and educational opportunities, wildlife observation, scenic beauty, inspiration ... -
What Will the Future Bring? – Socio-Economic Challenges to Herder Households in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Nomadic pastoralism is still practiced by around one-third of the Mongolian population. Recent socio-economic constraints have challenged pastoral livelihoods and rising livestock numbers threaten overall rangeland health ...